"She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens."

"She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens."
"She rises while it is yet night and provides food for her household and portions for her maidens." - Proverbs 31:15

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Super Awesome Macaroni and Cheese

I'm more of a spontaneous person, and therefore not much of a planner (no wonder I struggle with preparing meals <chuckle>).....and, this is one of those meals that came out of a last minute rush of "Oh my, what am I going to cook tonight??!!!"  I also have to confess, I hate measuring ingredients.  It seems so....restrictive (unless I'm baking....baking and cooking are different in my mind, for whatever reason :-)  ).  Anyhow, in not being prepared that night, and in an effort to do as little work as possible (hence, no MEASURING)....I threw together what I had on hand - ham, cheese, pasta, and canned condensed soups!  Protein, protein, starch....and, if onion and mushroom bits count....veggies!  Voila!  A semi-nutritious meal, right? <chuckle>

Honestly, I was (am) a bit nervous about posting this one...but then I figured - what do I have to lose???  So I decided to do a trial run, and actually attempt to measure a couple of the ingredients.....then, give it a whirl.  Also, I was going to title it Ham and Cheese Pasta Bake.....but, tonight at supper, Samuel kept referring to it as Super Awesome Macaroni and Cheese.  Okay.  Reality check.  So, it's really just glorified mac-and-cheese. :-)  But.....as long as the kiddos like it, and it doesn't take me long to throw together....I'm good with that :-)

1 lb cubed ham (or more, if you like meatier)
Penne pasta, cooked and drained (16 oz. box)
1 can cream of onion soup, undiluted
1 can cream of mushroom soup, undiluted
1 soup can of milk
Grated cheese (16 oz.), plus extra for topping
Velveeta cheese, cubed (~ 8 oz.)
Salt and pepper, to taste

Cook the pasta, and drain.  Mix in the cubed ham, soups, cheese, and milk.  Place in a casserole dish, and cover with more grated cheese.  Bake at 350 F until heated through (~30-40 minutes).

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